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assistant district attorney 意味

"assistant district attorney"の例文


  • 地方検事補{ちほう けんじ ほ}
  • assistant     assistant n. 助手, 補佐. 【動詞+】 appoint an assistant 助手を雇う look for an
  • district     district n. 地方, 地域, 地帯, 区域; 行政区, 地区, 管区. 【動詞+】 The city comprises
  • attorney     attorney n. 代理人; 《米》 検事; 《米》 弁護士. 【動詞+】 appoint an attorney 代理人を任命する
  • district attorney     〈米〉地方検事{ちほう けんじ}◆【略】D.A. ; DA ; Dist. Atty.
  • assistant district attorney in new york    《an ~》ニューヨークの地方検事補{ちほう けんじ ほ}
  • district attorney    〈米〉地方検事{ちほう けんじ}◆【略】D.A. ; DA ; Dist. Atty.
  • district attorney's office    地区検察局{ちく けんさつ きょく}
  • federal district attorney    連邦地方検事{れんぽう ちほう けんじ}
  • give a videotaped confession to the district attorney's office    地区検察局{ちく けんさつ きょく}に自白内容{じはく ないよう}を収めたビデオテープを送る
  • attorney     attorney n. 代理人; 《米》 検事; 《米》 弁護士. 【動詞+】 appoint an attorney 代理人を任命する appoint sb one's attorney 人を自分の代理人に立てる The court may appoint an attorney to represent the child. 法廷は子供の代理を務め
  • by attorney    代人で、代人を立てて
  • assistant     assistant n. 助手, 補佐. 【動詞+】 appoint an assistant 助手を雇う look for an assistant 助手を(雇うために)探す I need an assistant to help with my office work. 私の会社での仕事を手伝ってくれる助手が必要だ. 【形容詞 名詞+】
  • assistant for    (人)の付き人
  • assistant to    ~付き◆to の直後に役職名が来る
  • a district    a district 一区 いっく


  • i'm an assistant district attorney .
    地方検事補佐です 済みません ミス・ランス でも説明して貰わないと
  • the assistant district attorney and detective szymanski .
    副地方検事と スジーマンスキー刑事
  • like our good assistant district attorney .
  • i have with me assistant district attorney
  • she's an assistant district attorney .
  • my husband was an assistant district attorney , which means we kept our address secret .
    夫は検事だったのよ 住所は秘密なの
  • then along comes this worm assistant district attorney who turns the recorder off and says if i don't sign their confession .
    そしてクズ地方検事補が 記録外でこう言う 書類にサインしなければ 俺の母親を殺すと
  • not according to the district attorney , assistant district attorney , investigating detective in the police department that filed charges against him .
    地方検事によれば 地方検事の補佐と 警察の調査してる刑事は
  • not according to the district attorney , assistant district attorney , investigating detective in the police department that filed charges against him .
    地方検事によれば 地方検事の補佐と 警察の調査してる刑事は
  • unless you feel like explaining to the press ... that your own assistant district attorney was the brilliant mastermind ... behind tonight's hostage crisis .
    あなたがマスコミに 説明したい気分じゃない限り あなた自身の補佐に 地方検事は必要でしょ 今夜の人質事件の 才能ある黒幕だった
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